Real Property Sales

Sales of Canal real property may be considered if the property is deemed by the Corporation's Board to be no longer necessary for the operations and maintenance of the Canal System. Proposed sales of Canal real property are subject to review by the Canal Recreationway Commission (an advisory board), municipal officials where the property is located, as well as the respective regional planning agency. A competitive process must be followed for most sales.

Real Property Leases

Leases of Canal real property may be considered in the event that use of the property is not temporary in nature and the use does not interfere with operations, maintenance or navigation of the Canal System. Generally, leases are progressed when the Corporation cannot sell the property; however, the applicant's proposed use must be acceptable. Leases are also favored when the requestor proposes permanent or costly improvements. A competitive process is usually required for most leases.

Public Auctions

The New York State Canal Corporation will consider, depending upon the circumstances, three major types of transactions. These transactions include occupancy and work permits, sales and leases. Whether we permit, sell or lease real property to you depends on the proposed use and the length of time you wish to occupy the property.

How do I inquire about a Sale or Lease?

Please send all questions or inquiries by email to Please include a good contact phone number or email address for the Canals Property Coordinator to respond back.