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Developer Resource Center
Data Feeds
These data feeds are accessed through a web connection and are available in XML format.
The data feeds are updated as individual events become active, are updated, or expire and are removed from the feed.
The feeds may also change daily as new information becomes available.
The data feeds are updated as individual events become active, are updated, or expire and are removed from the feed.
The feeds may also change daily as new information becomes available.
Boats for Hire
- boatsforhire.xml - Includes boat rentals and cruises available along the Canal. Information includes latitude and longitude coordinates, company names, contact information, vessels, ports and waterways.
Boat Launches
- canalwatertrail.xml - Includes latitude and longitude coordinates, miles, shore, site name, launch type, amenities and locations.
Heritage Sites
- heritagesites.xml - Includes a list of Canal themed and non-Canal themed heritage sites along the Canal. Information includes latitude and longitude coordinates, miles, shore, site name, phone numbers, closest dock and bike path locations and description of the sites.
Locks, Lift Bridges, Guard Gates and Bridge Heights
- locks.xml - Includes latitude and longitude coordinates, miles, name/locations and phone.
- liftbridges.xml - Includes latitude and longitude coordinates, miles, name/locations and phone.
- guardgates.xml - Includes latitude and longitude coordinates, miles, name/locations and phone.
- bridgeheights.xml - Includes body of water, clearance and overhead.
- lodging.xml - Includes latitude and longitude coordinates, miles, shore, accommodations, phone, docks and distance from dock along the canal.
Marinas and Public Docks
- marinas.xml - Includes latitude and longitude coordinates, miles, shore, name and locations, phone and amenities offered for marinas and public docks located along the Canal.
Navigating the Canals Includes latitude and longitude coordinates, miles, features, channel width and depths, overhead clearance and charts.
- navinfo-hudsonriver.xml - Hudson River
- navinfo-fortedward.xml - Champlain Canal - Fort Edward Yacht Basin
- navinfo-erieeastern.xml- Eastern Erie Canal
- navinfo-frankfortharbor.xml - Eastern Erie Canal - Frankfort Harbor
- navinfo-uticaharbor.xml - Eastern Erie Canal - Utica Harbor
- navinfo-oswego.xml - Oswego Canal
- navinfo-eriecentral.xml - Central Erie Canal
- navinfo-onondagalake.xml - Central Erie Canal - Onondaga Lake
- navinfo-cayugaseneca.xml - Cayuga-Seneca Canal
- navinfo-cayugalake.xml - Cayuga-Seneca Canal to Cayuga Lake
- navinfo-senecalake.xml - Cayuga-Seneca Canal to Seneca Lake
- navinfo-eriewestern.xml - Western Erie Canal
- navinfo-geneseeriver.xml - Western Erie Canal - Genesee River
- navinfo-ellicottcreek.xml - Western Erie Canal - Ellicott Creek