Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

How do I ensure my invoice was received for processing?

All submissions to the email inbox will generate an autoreply which confirms the invoice was received. If the criteria outlined in the autoreply, and outlined below, is met, the invoice will be processed for payment.

What is required for invoice submission?

To ensure that invoices are processed in a timely manner, all submissions must contain the following:

  • Invoice must be addressed to NYS Canal Corporation
  • Subject Line: include Vendor name, Purchase Order Number (& Canal location – if applicable)
  • Purchase Order (PO) must be valid or invoice will be rejected; do not indicate an expired PO number or self-generated one.
  • Format: All submissions must be in PDF format only. If this is not an option for you, please mail a hard copy to the address below.
  • Each invoice including all related back-up must be submitted as a single PDF document.
  • Multiple Invoices may be sent in one e-mail as separate individual PDF attachments.
  • PDF Invoice: must be black & white; do not submit in color.
  • Freight over $100 must include a copy of the freight bill along with the invoice.
  • Do not send statements or inquiries to the automated inbox, only PDF invoices.
  • Questions and inquiries should be directed to
    How do I correct an invoice that does not meet the requirements?

    If your submittals or unpaid invoices did not comply with the above outlined requirements, please make the necessary corrections, and resubmit. Any deviation from this process will result in delay of payment.

    What address should vendors send invoices to?

    All Invoices must be sent to one of the two following options:

    2. Submissions by mail to:
      New York State Canal Corporation
      Attn: Accounts Payable Department
      PO Box 1635
      White Plains, NY 10602-1635
    What is the preferred method of submittal?

    Submit by email to

    It is strongly recommended to send to the automated inbox above to expedite processing. If submitting through regular US mail to the address above via an invoice card, please enclose the card in an envelope.

    What should my organization do if we do not know the Purchase Order # to include on our invoice?

    Contact the Canal Representative who ordered the goods and/or services at the NYS Canal Corporation.

    Can we send multiple invoices at once?

    You may include multiple invoices in one email. You must attach each invoice, along with any back-up information, as single PDF documents.

    Should we reach out to Canal Corporation staff to inquire about pending payments?

    No, you should reach out directly to Accounts Payable at

    We submitted our invoice according to the guidelines, when can we expect payment?

    Most payments are processed net 30 days from the receipt of the invoice in our system. Invoices that are not paid 30 days from the invoice date may not have followed the required submission process. Please send inquiries to

    • If reaching out to mailbox listed above, the message must include specific inquiry/question and any pertinent information (i.e., Invoice #, PO #, Date Submitted, etc.).
    • Please do not send account statements to AP without including this specific information or question with a copy of the invoice image.
    How often are vendor payments generated?

    All approved invoices are processed by 11:00 AM daily (business days only) according to NYS Prompt Payment policy. Checks will be mailed by JP Morgan Chase Bank in Syracuse the next business day. Check payments will include the invoice details on the check stub.

    We are set up to receive ACH Electronic payments, how will we know that payments have posted?

    You will receive an ACH notification email the day the payment posts, which will include the invoice details. Fund transfer takes place the next business day.

    How can we get set up to receive ACH Electronic payments?

    Email if you would like to switch from check payments to ACH transfers. Required forms and verifications will be provided.

    We have moved location or our remittance address has changed, how can we update this information?

    Email and send a current updated W-9 form (dated within one year) with request and include old remit and requested new remit.

    How will I be notified if my invoice has been rejected for processing during the intake?

    You will receive an email requesting the missing information and requesting you resubmit your invoice with the missing info.

    How will I be notified if my invoice cannot be approved?

    If rejected by the Canal Corporation Approver, the requisitioner of the good/service will reach out to you and request any corrections or additional information/supporting docs required, to process your invoice for payment.

    Become a Diverse Supplier

    The Canal Corporation seeks a wide range of products and services from suppliers.