Placement of Herbicide in the Erie Canal West of Lock E34/35

06/13/2024 08:23 PM

Notice to Mariners

Erie Canal – Tonawandas/Pendleton/Lockport

May 6, 2024

Mariners are advised that the placement of herbicide through a dosing unit to eradicate the invasive species Hydrilla is scheduled to begin on Monday, beginning of business, June 24th downstream of the Tonawanda Creek Renaissance Bridge Main Street (E-248). The work should be completed by Tuesday, October 1st.  The dosing unit is scheduled to be mobilized on Tuesday, May 7th.  Any swimming in the canal from the Tonawanda Creek Renaissance Bridge Main Street (E-248) and Lock E-35 in Lockport is absolutely prohibited in the treatment area until one day after the final application of the herbicide.

Mariners should reduce speed, stop all forward motion and proceed at a "No-Wake" speed when transiting this area.

Visit for more information including details about the herbicide, project-specific updates, and ways to get involved in the management of hydrilla.

The profiles of the canal system can be found at

A chart covering the western portion of the treatment area can be found at

Maps covering the entire treatment area can be found at &

The Canal Corporation urges all users and stakeholders to register to receive updates through the Notice to Mariners notification program by clicking here.

For general news, please visit or follow the Canal Corporation on FacebookInstagramTwitter, or LinkedIn.

To report an issue or incident along the Canal system, please call the Canal Corporation’s Emergency Call Center at 833-538-1042.